Grilled Chicken Salad with Mustard Aioli

Image for recipe: Grilled Chicken Salad with Mustard Aioli

Ingredients: 7

A delicious low-carb twist on traditional deviled chicken salad, perfect for a light and satisfying meal.


1 cooked and cubed
1 chopped
½ cup finely chopped
2 tablespoons creamy mayonnaise
1 teaspoon tangy Dijon mustard
To taste snipped fine
To taste


    1. Begin by preparing a whole chicken breast; grilling it will add a tasty charred flavor.
    2. Once cooked, cube the chicken breast and place it in a mixing bowl.
    3. Add in the chopped hardboiled egg, finely chopped celery, and snipped fresh chives or green onions.
    4. Mix in the creamy mayonnaise and tangy Dijon mustard for a flavorful dressing.
    5. Season the salad with a pinch of salt and a generous amount of freshly ground pepper.
    6. Allow the flavors to meld together by chilling the salad before serving. Enjoy!

Jul 19, 2024