Mediterranean Style Garlic Chicken

Image for recipe: Mediterranean Style Garlic Chicken

Ingredients: 4

A flavorful and aromatic chicken dish inspired by the vibrant flavors of the Mediterranean.


¼ cup olive oil
2 teaspoons bottled lemon juice
1 teaspoon garlic powder
4-6 chicken pieces


    1. In a mixing bowl, combine the olive oil, bottled lemon juice, and garlic powder. Whisk the ingredients together until well combined.
    2. For sautéing the chicken, heat a pan over medium heat. Pour the seasoned oil into the pan and cook the chicken pieces as you would typically do.
    3. For baking or barbecuing the chicken, generously brush the seasoned oil on the chicken pieces before cooking. Reapply the oil mixture during the cooking process to enhance the flavors.

Jul 19, 2024