Nutty Cherry Lentil Quinoa Salad

Image for recipe: Nutty Cherry Lentil Quinoa Salad

Ingredients: 11

Delight in this wholesome Nutty Cherry Lentil Quinoa Salad, a vibrant and nutritious dish bursting with flavors and textures. Nutty pistachios, succulent sweet cherries, and hearty lentils and quinoa come together harmoniously to create a satisfying salad that is perfect as a side or a light meal.



½ cup French Lentils
½ cup Red Quinoa
½ cup Fresh sweet cherries
¾ cup Fresh sweet cherries, quartered
½ cup pistachios
1 Shallot, minced
½ teaspoon cumin
½ tablespoon Red wine vinegar
1 tablespoon Extra Virgin olive oil
½ tablespoon Cranberry juice


  • Preparation Instructions

    1. Cook the French Lentils according to package instructions and drain.
    2. Cook the Red Quinoa according to package instructions and drain.
    3. Mince and sauté the large shallot in a pan with a knob of butter.
    4. In a food processor, pulse the pistachios until they are finely chopped.
    5. Add the cooked French lentils and pulse until blended.
    6. Add the cooked Red Quinoa and pulse until blended.
    7. Add the first 1/2 cup of fresh sweet cherries and pulse until blended. Be careful not to overprocess.
    8. Transfer the mixture to a bowl and add the cumin, olive oil, red wine vinegar, cranberry juice, and sautéed shallot.
    9. Cut the 3/4 cup of fresh sweet cherries into quarters and mix into the salad. Stir well to combine all ingredients.

Aug 16, 2024