Tuvar Dal Curry

Image for recipe: Tuvar Dal Curry

Ingredients: 8

A delightful and aromatic Tuvar Dal Curry recipe that is sure to tantalize your taste buds with its blend of spices and flavors.


2 cups Tuvar Dal
½ inch piece Ginger
4 cloves Garlic Cloves
1 Small green Chili
1 tsp Butter
¼ tsp Cumin
Pinch Turmeric


    1. Meticulously crush together the ginger, garlic, and green chili.
    2. Place thuvar dal in a pan along with the crushed spices and cover generously with water. Bring to a vigorous boil and simmer until cooked to perfection.
    3. Introduce the indulgent butter, turmeric, and cumin into the dal, stirring gently to incorporate.
    4. For an extra layer of complexity, infuse the curry with a sprig of fresh curry leaf if available.

Jul 19, 2024