Watermelon Honey Sweet Tea with Watermelon Ice Balls

Image for recipe: Watermelon Honey Sweet Tea with Watermelon Ice Balls

Ingredients: 4

A refreshing and flavorful sweet tea infused with the natural essence of watermelon and served with frozen watermelon ice balls for a unique twist.


2 Water
3 family-sized tea bags
¾ cup honey (or other sweetener)
1 5-6 lb. seedless watermelon (including rind)


    1. Begin by cutting the watermelon in half. One half will be utilized for extracting watermelon juice, while the other half will be used to create frozen watermelon balls.
    2. The night before serving, employ a melon baller to create balls from half of the watermelon flesh. Proceed to freeze the watermelon balls on a flat surface, such as a cookie sheet, in a single layer.
    3. Cut the remaining half of the watermelon into chunks and blend them in a high-powered blender until fully liquefied. Strain the mixture through a fine-mesh sieve to eliminate any solid particles.
    4. In a saucepan, bring half of the water (equivalent to 4 cups) to a boil.
    5. Remove the saucepan from heat and add the tea bags. Allow the tea to steep for 10 minutes, then discard the tea bags.
    6. Transfer the brewed tea to your desired container and incorporate the honey or preferred sweetener. Ensure thorough stirring for proper combination.
    7. Once the honey has completely dissolved, introduce the remaining water and the strained watermelon juice to the tea mixture.
    8. Chill the tea in the refrigerator until it is ready to be served. Serve the refreshing beverage with the balled watermelon ice balls for an added touch of elegance.

Jul 18, 2024