Classic Old Fashioned Cocktail

Image for recipe: Classic Old Fashioned Cocktail

Ingredients: 3

Savor the timeless charm of the Classic Old Fashioned Cocktail, a sophisticated blend of premium Bourbon or Rye whiskey, aromatic Angostura bitters, and a hint of rich simple syrup or a sugar cube for a touch of sweetness. Perfect for any occasion, this iconic cocktail is a staple in mixology.


Ingredients for the Classic Old Fashioned Cocktail

2 ounces Bourbon or Rye whiskey
2 dashes Angostura bitters
14 ounces 2:1 rich simple syrup (or one sugar cube if preferred)


  • Steps to Craft the Classic Old Fashioned Cocktail

    1. In an Old Fashioned glass, delicately combine the rich simple syrup, Angostura bitters, and a twist of fresh orange peel. Gently muddle the orange peel to release its zesty oils.
    2. Pour in the premium Bourbon or Rye whiskey and stir gently to marry the flavors.
    3. Add ice cubes to the glass and give it another brief stir to chill the cocktail and achieve the perfect dilution.

Aug 16, 2024