Bourbon Apple Cider Spritzer

Image for recipe: Bourbon Apple Cider Spritzer

Ingredients: 5

A delicious and refreshing cocktail that combines the rich flavor of bourbon with the sweetness of apple cider, a hint of cinnamon, and a splash of fresh lemon, finished off with a fizz of club soda.


1 ounce bourbon
3 ounces apple cider
2 pinches ground cinnamon
2 lemon wedges
club soda, to taste


    1. Adjust the taste by adding more lemon wedges, if desired.
    2. Top the drink with a splash of club soda and give it a gentle stir before enjoying the delightful and fizzy Bourbon Apple Cider Spritzer. This recipe yields one serving. For a larger batch, combine the first 4 ingredients, shake well, and strain. When ready to serve, pour over ice in glasses, top with club soda, and savor the refreshing beverage.

Jul 20, 2024