Apple and Prune Stuffing

Image for recipe: Apple and Prune Stuffing

Ingredients: 7

A delicious stuffing combining the sweetness of apples and prunes with savory bread crumbs and nuts.


3 cups bread crumbs
¼ cup melted fat
1 teaspoon salt
1 cup apples, pared, cut in eighths, and stewed in a little sugar
Few grains pepper
½ cup soaked, stewed and stoned prunes
1 cup nut meats, broken into pieces, if liked


    1. Combine the bread crumbs, melted fat, salt, stewed apples, pepper, soaked prunes, and nut meats in a mixing bowl.
    2. Spoon the mixture into a buttered baking dish.
    3. Bake at 350 degrees Fahrenheit until the top is crisp.

Jul 22, 2024