Australian Beef Chili

Image for recipe: Australian Beef Chili

Ingredients: 16

A hearty and flavorful chili with a unique twist of Aussie ingredients.


1 pound ground beef
1 yellow onion, diced
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon pepper
3 tablespoons chili powder
3 tablespoons red chili paste
1 tablespoon cumin powder
½ cup pineapple, diced
½ cup pickled beets, diced
14 (14 ounces) diced tomatoes, with juice
14 (14 ounces) pinto beans, drained and rinsed
½ cup chicken or beef stock
4 eggs
2 tablespoons olive oil for the pan, plus more for the eggs
cilantro, to garnish


    1. In a large, deep stock pot, heat olive oil over medium heat. Add diced yellow onion and minced garlic, and cook until the onions are soft, approximately 5 minutes. Stir in salt, pepper, chili powder, red chili paste, and cumin powder.
    2. Add the ground beef to the pot, and cook until browned, stirring frequently. Incorporate diced pineapple, diced pickled beets, drained and rinsed pinto beans, canned diced tomatoes with their juices, and chicken or beef stock. Reduce the heat to low and let the chili simmer for about 15 minutes.
    3. While the chili is simmering, heat a skillet with a dollop of olive oil. Fry the eggs to your desired doneness (e.g., over medium).
    4. To serve, ladle the Australian Beef Chili into bowls, and top each serving with a fried egg. Garnish with fresh cilantro.

Jul 19, 2024