Basil Pesto Potato Pizza

Image for recipe: Basil Pesto Potato Pizza

Ingredients: 8

A delicious and unique pizza featuring a flavorful basil pesto base topped with thinly sliced potatoes and creamy goat cheese, finished with fresh greens.


1 pizza dough
2 cups tightly packed basil
½ teaspoon sea salt
olive oil
1 small garlic clove
small waxy potatoes
2 ounces goat cheese, crumbled
2 ounces micro, or baby, greens


    1. Preheat the oven to 500°F (260°C) for at least 20 minutes. Place a baking stone or baking sheet in the oven to preheat.
    2. In a food processor, combine tightly packed basil, sea salt, and a small garlic clove. Pulse to puree. With the processor running, slowly drizzle in the olive oil until well combined. Make sure to scrape down the sides of the bowl as needed. Set the basil mixture aside.
    3. On a sheet of parchment paper, use floured hands to gently stretch and shape the pizza dough to your desired thickness and size.
    4. Spread the prepared basil mixture evenly over the pizza dough. Arrange the thinly sliced potatoes on top, ensuring they mostly form a single layer with some slight overlap. Scatter crumbled goat cheese over the potatoes.
    5. Carefully remove the preheated baking stone from the oven. Transfer the pizza on the parchment paper onto the hot stone. Place it back in the oven and bake for 10-15 minutes until the crust is beginning to brown and the potatoes are tender.
    6. To serve, top the hot pizza with fresh micro or baby greens, then cut into wedges for a delightful presentation.

Jul 21, 2024