Chef's Frozen Sweet Corn

Image for recipe: Chef's Frozen Sweet Corn

Ingredients: 4

A delicious and easy-to-make recipe for frozen sweet corn that captures the freshness of summer all year long.


16 raw corn, cut from cob
1 cup sugar
1 quart water
4 teaspoons salt


    1. In a large mixing bowl, combine the raw corn, sugar, water, and salt.
    2. Bring the mixture to a gentle boil over medium heat.
    3. Reduce the heat to low and let it simmer for 15 minutes.
    4. Remove the mixture from the heat.
    5. Allow the mixture to cool overnight in order to absorb the flavorful liquid.
    6. Transfer the corn mixture into freezer-safe containers or bags.
    7. Label the containers or bags.
    8. Place the containers or bags in the freezer to enjoy delicious sweet corn whenever desired.

Jul 20, 2024