Exquisite Trinidadian Curry Chicken

Image for recipe: Exquisite Trinidadian Curry Chicken

Ingredients: 9

A savory and aromatic Trinidadian curry chicken dish that is sure to delight your taste buds.


1 whole chicken about 4-5lbs (you may use chosen pieces=breast or thighs only etc)
5 tablespoons Caribbean Green Seasoning (a blend of shado beni, thyme, cuban Oregano--trinidad thyme, parsley, garlic, ginger (1”), chives, scotch bonnet pepper--Cilantro is optional if you can’t find the Shado-Beni, a.ka. culantro or recao)
4 tablespoons Vegetable oil
1 tablespoon of your favourite curry powder
2 tablespoons aw brown sugar
1 teaspoon salt or to taste
1 tablespoon cracked black pepper or to taste
2 pieces 2mm slices of one scotch bonnet pepper (you may use Habanero)
½ onion, diced


    1. Prepare the chicken by cutting it into bite-size pieces, ensuring to include bone-in pieces such as the legs and thighs. Rinse the chicken with water and lime juice from one lime. Season the chicken with green seasoning, salt, pepper, curry powder, and diced onions. For the best flavor, marinate the chicken overnight or for a couple of hours.
    2. In a medium iron pot or dutch oven, heat vegetable oil. Add 2 pieces of 2mm slices of scotch bonnet pepper and cook for 3-4 minutes. Add brown sugar and allow it to melt and caramelize, creating a dark brown color on the edges. Add the seasoned chicken, ensuring to combine the browned sugar with all the chicken. Cover and let simmer for 5 minutes, then turn and simmer for another 5 minutes. Pour in 1 to 1 1/2 cups of water, cover, and simmer for 10 minutes. Remove the cover and let it simmer down for an additional 10 minutes until a thickened liquid remains. Transfer to a serving dish.
    3. Serve this delightful curry chicken with your favorite flatbread such as roti, naan, paratha, or pita, or enjoy it over rice. In Trinidadian tradition, this dish is often paired with a vegetable side dish such as pumpkin, spinach, long beans, potatoes, or eggplant, cooked to a mushy consistency through a special sauté process.

Jul 18, 2024