Fideuà Visca Barça

Image for recipe: Fideuà Visca Barça

Ingredients: 12

A traditional Spanish seafood dish originating from the coastal region of Catalonia, this Fideuà Visca Barça recipe features a delightful combination of fideo noodles, fresh seafood, and a rich sofregit base.


1 sweet onions, chopped
5 Tomatoes from a 14.5 oz can, drained and broken up by hand
2 cloves garlic, minced
¼ cup Olive oil, a light oil such as Columela or one made from arbequina olives*
1 cup chicken or shellfish stock
Saffron threads (as many as you can afford)
6 ounces fideo pasta in coils, slightly broken up
small manila clams or cockles -- the smaller the better
1 fillet of black cod cut into large pieces
2 ounces garlic sausage or other semi-cured variety, such as chorizo bilbao
Sea salt as needed
Aioli, as condiment


    1. Begin by preparing the sofregit, a flavorful base similar to the Italian soffritto, in a 12-inch skillet with a drizzle of olive oil, minced garlic, and hand-crushed tomatoes. Let it simmer gently over low heat while you warm the stock.
    2. Infuse a generous pinch of saffron into the chicken or shellfish stock.
    3. In an earthenware cazuela or heavy-bottomed skillet, heat olive oil until it shimmers slightly, creating undulating ripples on the surface. Consider using a flame tamer for controlled heat.
    4. Add the broken fideo noodles to the hot cazuela, lightly toasting them in the oil. Incorporate the garlic sausage, then gradually pour in ladles of saffron-infused stock until the pasta reaches al dente. Introduce the sofregit mixture and stir to combine.
    5. In a separate pan, sear the large pieces of black cod in olive oil, seasoning them as you cook.
    6. Gently place the seared fish into the cazuela, along with the cleaned clams. Cover with a lid and cook until the clams open and release their flavorful juices. Finish with a touch of sea salt to taste. Serve alongside aioli for a classic pairing.
    7. Note: Arbequina olives, known for their small size, are a common ingredient in Catalan cuisine. Look for domestically produced arbequina olive oils as a suitable alternative, such as those from California Olive Ranch.

Jul 19, 2024