Golden Crispy Chicken Thighs

Image for recipe: Golden Crispy Chicken Thighs

Ingredients: 5

A delicious recipe for golden crispy chicken thighs that are sure to impress your guests.


1 pkg, about 1.25 pounds boneless, skinless chicken thighs. I like to allow two pieces per person, depending on size.
1 egg, lightly beaten, with 2 Tablespoons lukewarm water added
½ cup whole wheat bread crumbs, either homemade fine ground, or store-bought. I like to use no sodium added if store-bought.
¼ cup toasted wheat germ
light coating of olive oil for greasing the pan


    1. Preheat the oven to 425 degrees Fahrenheit.
    2. Prepare a dish or pan with a high side to contain the beaten egg and water mixture.
    3. In a separate plate or on waxed paper, combine the whole wheat bread crumbs and toasted wheat germ.
    4. Prepare a baking pan, preferably lined with foil, and lightly grease it with olive oil.
    5. One by one, coat each chicken thigh in the egg mixture, then dredge in the bread crumb and wheat germ mixture, ensuring both sides are coated. Place them on the prepared pan and drizzle a little more olive oil on top.
    6. Once all chicken thighs are coated, bake in the preheated oven for approximately 30-40 minutes, until they are crispy and cooked through. Check at 30 minutes to see if the crumbs have browned. If not, continue baking for a little longer.

Jul 19, 2024