Grilled Vegetables with Smoky-Garlicky Herb Vinaigrette

Image for recipe: Grilled Vegetables with Smoky-Garlicky Herb Vinaigrette

Ingredients: 14

A delightful dish featuring a medley of fresh garden vegetables grilled to perfection and tossed in a flavorful smoky-garlicky herb vinaigrette.


1 tablespoon finely chopped oregano, Red chilies (optional)
¼ cup red wine vinegar
2 tablespoons honey
1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice
1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
½ teaspoon salt
½ teaspoon fresh ground black pepper
½ cup good olive oil
Fresh garden or farmers market vegetables of choice
Variety of herbs: fresh Italian parsley, snipped rosemary, thyme, oregano, etc.
6-8 cloves smashed garlic, or more - to your personal taste
Red Wine Vinaigrette (recipe below)
Heavy duty foil, large serving bowl, a good extra virgin olive oil, salt & ground pepper.
Note: a grill basket with the foil placed inside works nicely, if you have one.


    1. Prepare the Vinaigrette: Combine finely chopped oregano, red chilies (optional), red wine vinegar, honey, fresh lemon juice, Worcestershire sauce, salt, and fresh ground black pepper in a mason jar. Shake well to combine and adjust the seasoning to your liking. Set aside until needed.
    2. Prepare the Vegetables: Wash and drain the vegetables, then cut them into uniform desired sized pieces. Smash garlic cloves and snip rosemary, Italian parsley, or other desired herbs.
    3. Season and Grill the Vegetables: Season the vegetables with olive oil, salt, and pepper, then place them on a large piece of heavy foil. Create a pouch by crimping the edges, allowing the vegetables to marinate while preparing the grill.
    4. Preheat the Grill: Light the coals and mound them on one side of the grate. Keep the bottom vents open until the coals are covered in a light gray ash. Adjust the vents and place the vegetable pouch on the grill opposite the fire for indirect heat.
    5. Grill to Perfection: Cook the vegetables until crisp-tender, tossing occasionally. The cooking time may vary based on grill heat, foil thickness, and vegetable quantity.
    6. Toss in Vinaigrette: Rub a large bowl with a garlic clove, then transfer the grilled vegetables into the bowl. Toss with the prepared vinaigrette until well coated.
    7. Serve or Chill: Cover the bowl of vegetables and vinaigrette until ready to serve, or chill for at least 4 hours for enhanced flavors.

Jul 19, 2024