Makluba with Lamb Steaks, Cauliflower, and Apricots

Image for recipe: Makluba with Lamb Steaks, Cauliflower, and Apricots

Ingredients: 12

A flavorful and aromatic Middle-Eastern dish featuring tender lamb steaks, roasted cauliflower, and sweet dried apricots.


1 large cooking onion, chopped
6 cloves garlic, chopped
olive oil
6 large lamb steaks
8 cups cups water
salt and pepper to taste
1 teaspoon ground cardamom
2 heads cauliflower
3 cups cups basmati rice, uncooked
1 large tomato
12 cup pine nuts, browned
1 pound pound dried apricots


    1. In a deep cooking pot with lid, sauté chopped onion and garlic in a small amount of olive oil until they are soft and translucent. Add large lamb steaks and water, then season with salt, pepper, and ground cardamom. Simmer the meat until it is tender and the broth is deeply flavored, approximately 45 minutes.
    2. While the meat is cooking, cut heads of cauliflower into small florets. Fry the cauliflower florets in olive oil until they are cooked through and evenly browned on all sides. Drain the cooked florets on a plate lined with paper towels to absorb excess oil.
    3. Once the meat, broth, and cauliflower are ready, transfer the meat and broth to another deep pot. Create two or three layers in the pot by alternating uncooked basmati rice, lamb steaks, and cauliflower. Top with another layer of rice. Arrange thinly sliced tomato pieces on the rice and season with salt and pepper. Pour the broth over the layers, adding a little more water to ensure the rice cooks well. Cover the pot tightly and allow the ingredients to steam until the rice is cooked and most of the liquid is absorbed.
    4. Carefully invert the pot of makluba onto a large serving platter. Garnish the dish with browned pine nuts and arrange dried apricots around the edges for a beautiful presentation.

Jul 18, 2024