Moroccan Stuffed Roast Bird

Image for recipe: Moroccan Stuffed Roast Bird

Ingredients: 10

A delicious and fragrant Moroccan-inspired roast bird recipe that is sure to impress your guests.


1 whole roasting chicken or turkey
1 pint yellow cherry tomatoes
lemon (zested and quartered)
10-15 cloves garlic (whole and unpeeled)
1-2 cups low sodium chicken broth
2 tablespoons coriander
2 tablespoons turmeric
2 tablespoons smoky paprika
2 tablespoons olive oil
salt and pepper


    1. Begin by brining the whole roasting chicken or turkey overnight. Submerge the bird in a bath of salt and sugar to enhance its flavors and juiciness.
    2. Preheat the oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit. Rinse the brined bird thoroughly and pat it dry with paper towels. Place the prepared bird in a baking dish.
    3. Coat the entire bird with a generous amount of salt and pepper, followed by a generous slather of olive oil. Rub a mixture of coriander, turmeric, smoky paprika, and lemon zest all over the bird, ensuring every part is seasoned evenly.
    4. Stuff two quarters of the lemon and approximately 10-15 cloves of garlic (whole and unpeeled) into the cavity of the bird. Place the remaining lemon and garlic cloves, yellow cherry tomatoes, and 1-2 cups of low sodium chicken broth in the bottom of the baking pan. Season with salt and pepper.
    5. Cover the baking dish with foil and place it in the preheated oven for approximately 90 minutes. Remove the foil during the last 20 minutes of cooking. Ensure the internal temperature of the bird reaches 170 degrees Fahrenheit. Cooking times may vary depending on the size of the bird.
    6. Once cooked, remove the bird from the oven and allow it to cool for at least 15 minutes. Transfer the bird to a cutting board for serving. Discard the garlic peel and lemon quarters. Transfer the juices and tomatoes from the pan to a saucepan on the stove. Simmer the sauce for about 5 minutes until it thickens. Serve the sauce over the sliced roasted bird.

Jul 19, 2024