Potato Gnocchi with Creamy Wine Sauce

Image for recipe: Potato Gnocchi with Creamy Wine Sauce

Ingredients: 6

Delight in the flavors of homemade potato gnocchi smothered in a luxurious creamy wine sauce.


2 mashed potatoes
1 cup flour
1 egg
2 cups white wine
2 tablespoons cream
2 tablespoons oil


    1. Combine the mashed potatoes, flour, and egg in a mixing bowl. Gently form the mixture into a cohesive dough ball, taking care not to overwork it. Divide the dough into four equal pieces.
    2. Roll each piece into a long, thin rope and cut it into small rectangular gnocchi shapes using a knife.
    3. Using a fork, make decorative markings on each gnocchi piece, ensuring not to flatten them too much.
    4. Bring a combination of white wine and water to a vigorous boil in a medium cast iron pan. Add the gnocchi pieces, ensuring they are submerged in the liquid. Cook for approximately 5 minutes, then transfer them to a separate pan with hot oil for an additional 5 minutes to achieve a golden brown exterior. Repeat this process in batches.
    5. Reduce the wine to create a luscious sauce by allowing it to simmer. Stir in cream, seasonings, and perhaps some garlic. After 2 to 3 minutes, introduce the cooked gnocchi and other desired ingredients such as shrimp and arugula.

Jul 22, 2024