Sautéed Cavolo Nero with Chorizo, Giant Beans and Pecorino

Image for recipe: Sautéed Cavolo Nero with Chorizo, Giant Beans and Pecorino

Ingredients: 8

A flavorful and hearty dish featuring Cavolo Nero, Spanish chorizo, and giant beans, topped with zesty Pecorino Romano cheese.


1 tablespoon olive oil
3.5 to 4 ounces Spanish chorizo, cut into ¼-inch discs
2 bunches Cavolo Nero (about 7 ounces each)
12 twists black pepper on the pepper mill
2 cloves garlic, thinly sliced
1 14.5-ounce can giant beans, drained and rinsed (use butter beans as a substitute)
½ ½ lemon
Freshly grated Pecorino Romano cheese, to taste


    1. Begin by heating a skillet over medium-high heat. Add the olive oil and Spanish chorizo, and sauté the chorizo until it starts to develop color and release its fat, approximately 2 minutes.
    2. While the chorizo is cooking, prepare the Cavolo Nero by removing the spines from the leaves and roughly chopping them into 1-inch pieces. Once the chorizo has started to brown, add the Cavolo Nero to the skillet. Grate fresh black pepper over the mixture, then cover the skillet with a lid.
    3. After 3 minutes, introduce the sliced garlic and drained giant beans to the skillet. Mix all the ingredients together and cover the skillet again. Cook for an additional 2 to 3 minutes until the Cavolo Nero is just tender.
    4. Divide the cooked Cavolo Nero, chorizo, and giant beans into two wide serving bowls. Zest half of the lemon and sprinkle the zest over the bowls. Finish with a light grating of Pecorino Romano cheese. Cut the zested lemon half into wedges and serve them alongside the dish. Squeeze the lemon over the dish just before enjoying.

Jul 19, 2024