Classic Italian Meringue Buttercream

Image for recipe: Classic Italian Meringue Buttercream

Ingredients: 5

A luscious and decadent frosting that is perfect for cakes and cupcakes.


16 ounces sugar
enough water to wet sugar
20 ounces butter, room temperature and cubed
8 ounces egg whites
2-3 ounces vanilla extract or your preferred flavoring


    1. In a sauce pot, combine the sugar and enough water to wet the sugar. Place a candy thermometer in the pot and heat over medium heat.
    2. Meanwhile, in the bowl of a stand mixer, add the egg whites.
    3. Once the sugar mixture starts to boil and reaches 240°F, remove from heat and carefully pour it into the egg whites while whipping on medium speed.
    4. Increase the mixer speed and continue whipping until the mixing bowl feels cool to the touch.
    5. Gradually add the room temperature cubed butter to the mixture, a little at a time.
    6. Finish by incorporating the vanilla extract or your preferred flavoring.
    7. Use this luscious buttercream to frost your cakes and cupcakes.
    8. Enjoy your Classic Italian Meringue Buttercream!
    9. Bon appétit!

Jul 20, 2024