Coconut and Semolina Laddoos

Image for recipe: Coconut and Semolina Laddoos

Ingredients: 10

Delightful and aromatic sweet balls made with semolina, coconut, and a blend of spices.


250 grams semolina
1 cup grated coconut
2 tablespoons ghee
250 grams sugar
¾ cup water
1 teaspoon powdered cardamom and nutmeg mix
a few strands of saffron
30 milliliters milk (or water)
¼ cup raisins
1 chopped almonds


    1. Begin by creating a sugar syrup with the sugar and water, cooking until it reaches thread consistency.
    2. Meanwhile, gently heat the ghee and toast the semolina for approximately 10 minutes, stirring continuously until it transforms to a light pink hue.
    3. Incorporate the grated coconut into the semolina, and continue toasting over low heat. Ensure thorough mixing to achieve a texture resembling coarse dry sand.
    4. Once the sugar syrup has reached the desired consistency, introduce the saffron and powdered cardamom and nutmeg mix. Combine well before adding the semolina-coconut blend. Stir until the mixture takes on the appearance of wet sand. If the texture is too dry, gradually incorporate milk or water until a damp consistency is achieved.
    5. Allow the mixture to cool until it can be handled comfortably. Then, add the chopped nuts and raisins, ensuring even distribution.
    6. Shape the mixture into 12-14 balls, and let them cool and set.

Jul 19, 2024