Coriander Ginger Pearl Balls

Image for recipe: Coriander Ginger Pearl Balls

Ingredients: 9

Delight in these delectable coriander ginger pearl balls, a classic dish that showcases the exquisite blend of flavors in Chinese cuisine.


300 grams Minced pork
2 tablespoons water
½ teaspoon of salt
2 tablespoons coriander (cilantro) stalks, chopped
1 tablespoon sliced spring onions
1 teaspoon of grated fresh ginger
Black pepper
1 cup glutinous rice
1 tablespoon cornstarch


    1. Begin by rinsing the glutinous rice until the water runs clear, then soak for an hour. Once soaked, remove, rinse, and drain in a sieve. Spread the rice on a flat plate and gently pat with a paper towel to remove any excess water.
    2. In a bowl, combine the minced pork with water, wine, chopped coriander stalks, sliced spring onions, grated fresh ginger, salt, and black pepper. Mix thoroughly to combine. Add cornstarch and mix until well incorporated to create the flavorful filling.
    3. Using a teaspoon dipped in water, scoop up spoonfuls of the pork mixture and roll them into small balls.
    4. Once the meatballs are formed, roll each ball in the soaked glutinous rice until completely coated.
    5. Prepare a steamer by lining it with a damp cloth. Place the pearl balls in the steamer, ensuring they are about 2 cm apart to allow space for expansion.
    6. Steam the pearl balls over high heat for half an hour until cooked through and tender.
    7. Remove the pearl balls from the steamer and serve hot. For a delightful flavor combination, consider serving them with a homemade passata infused with ginger and coriander, though traditionally, these pearl balls are enjoyed with a side of soy sauce.

Jul 19, 2024