Creamy Date Shake

Image for recipe: Creamy Date Shake

Ingredients: 4

Indulge in this creamy and delightful date shake, perfect for a sweet treat to cool off on a warm day. Made with luscious dates, cold milk, French vanilla ice cream, and a hint of fresh nutmeg, this shake is a must-try for any dessert lover.


Ingredients for Creamy Date Shake

1 cup coarsely chopped pitted dates
1 quart cold milk
4 cups French vanilla ice cream
1 teaspoon grated fresh nutmeg


  • Making the Shake

    1. For each creamy date shake, begin by placing 1/4 cup of coarsely chopped pitted dates in a blender.
    2. Add 1 cup of cold milk and 1 cup (about 2 large scoops) of French vanilla ice cream to the blender.
    3. Grate 1/4 teaspoon of fresh nutmeg into the blender.
    4. Blend the date shake until smooth and creamy.
    5. Serve and enjoy this deliciously creamy date shake!

Jul 26, 2024