Curly Kale Salad with Minced Egg and Spiced Almonds

Image for recipe: Curly Kale Salad with Minced Egg and Spiced Almonds

Ingredients: 10

A delightful combination of curly kale, minced egg, and spiced almonds, tossed in a tangy vinaigrette.


1 bunch curly kale, center ribs removed, torn into small bite-sized pieces (about 8 cups)
1 tablespoon finely minced red onion
1 teaspoon Dijon mustard
2 tablespoons red wine vinegar
5 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
4 hard cooked eggs, peeled and minced
½ cup sliced almonds
½ teaspoon extra virgin olive oil
¼ teaspoon sweet smoked paprika
salt and pepper to taste


    1. Begin by placing the prepared curly kale in a large mixing bowl.
    2. In a small bowl, combine the finely minced red onion, Dijon mustard, red wine vinegar, salt, and pepper. Drizzle in the extra virgin olive oil while whisking vigorously to emulsify the dressing. Pour the vinaigrette over the kale, ensuring each leaf is well coated. It is best to use your hands for tossing to ensure even distribution. Add the minced hard-cooked eggs and gently toss again. Allow the flavors to meld while you toast the almonds.
    3. In a small skillet, toast the sliced almonds with a touch of extra virgin olive oil and sweet smoked paprika. Stir continuously until fragrant, then season with salt and pepper to enhance the flavors.
    4. Fold most of the spiced almonds into the kale mixture, reserving a small portion to garnish the salad just before serving.

Jul 18, 2024