Decadent Mocha Chocolate Delight

Image for recipe: Decadent Mocha Chocolate Delight

Ingredients: 3

Indulge in the rich and creamy flavors of this exquisite mocha chocolate treat!


12 cup Instant Coffee, finely ground
1 pound White Chocolate
14 cup Cocoa Butter


    1. Using a blender, finely grind the Instant Coffee to a smooth powder.
    2. In a double boiler, gently melt the Cocoa Butter and White Chocolate until smooth and well combined.
    3. Gradually incorporate the Instant Coffee powder into the melted White Chocolate mixture, stirring continuously.
    4. Allow the mixture to cool down to 81 degrees Fahrenheit, stirring consistently for a smooth texture.
    5. Once cooled, raise the temperature to 90 degrees Fahrenheit, continuing to stir for a perfect blend.
    6. Carefully pour the decadent mocha chocolate mixture into chocolate molds and let it cool until set.
    7. Unmold and enjoy the luxurious taste of the homemade Mocha Chocolate delicacy!

Jul 19, 2024