Decadent White Chocolate Mud Cake

Image for recipe: Decadent White Chocolate Mud Cake

Ingredients: 13

Indulge in the richness of this decadent white chocolate mud cake, a perfect treat for any occasion.


250 g butter
200 g white chocolate
200 ml water
1 12 cups caster sugar
1 34 cups plain flour
1 cup self-raising flour
2 eggs, lightly beaten
1 teaspoon vanilla essence
125 g butter
125 g white chocolate, melted
34 cup icing sugar
1 tablespoon thickened cream


    1. In a saucepan, heat the butter, white chocolate, water, and caster sugar while stirring continuously until completely melted and well combined.
    2. Sift the plain flour and self-raising flour together into a bowl. Blend in the melted white chocolate mixture, lightly beaten eggs, and vanilla essence. Pour the batter into a greased and base lined 20cm round cake tin.
    3. Bake the cake in a preheated moderate oven for 1 hour and 10 minutes, or until a tester comes out clean when inserted.
    4. For the icing, cream the butter until smooth, then blend in the melted white chocolate, icing sugar, and thickened cream until well combined.

Jul 20, 2024