Elegant Crystallized Flowers

Image for recipe: Elegant Crystallized Flowers

Ingredients: 3

Learn the art of creating stunning crystallized flowers with this refined recipe.


1 egg white
1.33 cup superfine sugar
Edible flowers petals or leaves (like herbs), or small simple flowers (like roses, pansies, nasturtiums, or borage), completely dry


    1. Prepare by lining a baking sheet with parchment or wax paper. Keep a towel within reach to clean your hands. Pour sugar into a shallow plate. In a small bowl, briskly stir the egg white with a fork to break up clumps without forming foam.
    2. Dip a petal in the egg white using your thumb and forefinger, ensuring it is fully coated. Gently remove excess egg white by carefully stroking the petal between your fingers. The goal is to have a thin, sticky coating to adhere the sugar, avoiding clumps. For complex flowers, use a tiny brush for intricate areas.
    3. Place the coated petal in the sugar bed and spoon sugar over it, ensuring both sides are evenly frosted. Transfer the petal to the parchment using a fork. For delicate leaves or tricky flowers, sprinkle sugar using a spoon while holding them over the plate.
    4. Inspect the sugared pieces on the parchment and add extra sugar to any bare spots. Let the flowers dry in a cool place until the coating is crisp. Depending on the item, this may take about 4 hours to 24 hours or longer for best results.
    5. Most crystallized flowers and herbs are best used within a few days. Flower petals tend to last longer but may lose color. Herb leaves may develop a funky flavor after a few days, although they remain visually appealing.

Jul 18, 2024