Fresh Juice Pulp Balls

Image for recipe: Fresh Juice Pulp Balls

Ingredients: 9

A creative and delicious way to repurpose juice pulp into flavorful balls.


3 celery, sprigs
1 beet
3 carrots
1 piece of ginger
1 bunch parsley, bunch
1 sweet apple
1 bunch Kale
5 spinach, sprigs
3 tablespoons Dulce seaweed (harvested before Fukishima)


    1. Gather the following ingredients for the fresh juice pulp balls:
    2. Take the juice pulp and combine with 1 cup of whole wheat or almond flour, 2 organic eggs, a pinch of salt. Form the mixture into small balls and carefully fry them in sunflower oil until all sides are beautifully browned. These pulp balls can be added to marinara sauce, alfredo, or pesto for a delightful meal. Enjoy the no-waste and tasty treat!

Jul 18, 2024