Gourmet Miso and Ginger Infused Poached Salmon with Warm Soba Noodles

Image for recipe: Gourmet Miso and Ginger Infused Poached Salmon with Warm Soba Noodles

Ingredients: 11

A sophisticated dish featuring tender poached salmon infused with miso and ginger flavors, served alongside flavorful soba noodles.


350 salmon fillet
cup mild brown miso paste
2 cups vegetable stock
2-3 cups water, or enough to cover the fish
50 grams fresh ginger, peeled
3 cloves garlic cloves, crushed
160 grams dried soba
1 tablespoon soy sauce
1 tablespoon pure sesame oil
2-3 spring onions, chopped
Toasted sesame seeds to garnish


    1. Prepare the poaching liquid by combining mild brown miso paste, vegetable stock, water, fresh ginger, and crushed garlic in a pot. Bring to a boil, then reduce heat to simmer for 5 minutes. Lower the heat to very low, ensuring only a few gentle bubbles are visible. Gently place the salmon in the liquid, ensuring it is fully submerged. If needed, add more water to cover the fish. Poach the salmon on low heat for 12 minutes.
    2. In the meantime, cook the dried soba noodles in boiling water for 4 to 5 minutes. Drain and rinse briefly. Toss the noodles with soy sauce and pure sesame oil to season.
    3. After 12 minutes, remove the pot from the heat, cover it, and let it rest for 3 minutes. Carefully remove the salmon (reserving the broth) and set it aside to cool slightly. The salmon should be tender, opaque on the outside, and slightly translucent in the center. If using skin-on fillets, gently remove the skin when the fish has cooled. It should come off easily.
    4. To serve, plate the noodles and salmon, garnishing with chopped spring onions and toasted sesame seeds. Accompany the dish with a bowl of the miso and ginger-infused broth used to poach the salmon.

Jul 19, 2024