Microwaved Husk-Free Corn on the Cob

Image for recipe: Microwaved Husk-Free Corn on the Cob
Ready in: 15 mins
Serves: 1 serving
Ingredients: 3

A quick and easy method to prepare corn on the cob without the hassle of shucking and silking, using a microwave to effortlessly remove the husk and silk.


ear unhusked
teaspoon butter, or to taste
salt to taste


1. Begin by placing the ear of corn in a microwave oven and cook on high for 2 minutes. Flip the corn over and continue to cook on high until the kernels are hot and steaming, approximately 2 more minutes.
2. Using a pot holder or a folded kitchen towel, carefully transfer the corn ear to a cutting board. Trim off the bottom of the ear, revealing 1/4 to 1/2 inch of kernels. Grasp the ear from the top and gently squeeze the corn out of the husk from top to bottom, leaving husks and silk behind.
3. After removing the corn from the husk, spread butter over the ear and season generously with salt.

Published on Jul 20, 2024 by Luminița

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