Ricotta Gnocchi with Browned Butter and Sage

Image for recipe: Ricotta Gnocchi with Browned Butter and Sage

Ingredients: 7

A delightful dish of handmade ricotta gnocchi, complemented with nutty browned butter and aromatic sage leaves.


2 fresh ricotta
3 cups freshly grated Parmesan
3 cups flour, plus additional for coating gnocchi and sprinkling
8 tablespoons butter, divided
2 eggs
1 teaspoon salt, plus salt for salting cooking water
8 sage leaves


    1. To ensure the optimal consistency of fresh ricotta, place it on paper towels for 10 minutes for excess moisture to be absorbed. Proceed with the recipe by scraping the ricotta gently off the paper towels.
    2. Begin by melting 1 tablespoon of butter. Combine the melted butter with all the ingredients, except the remaining butter, in a bowl. Stir thoroughly using a wooden spoon or spatula until well combined.
    3. Prepare a shallow soup bowl or pie plate with 1 cup of flour for coating the gnocchi.
    4. Scoop out a level 1/2 tablespoon of the mixture using a measuring spoon. With a gentle motion, drop the ricotta mixture into the flour and coat it evenly. If the gnocchi mixture is too wet to hold a shape, gradually add additional flour, one tablespoon at a time. Transfer the coated gnocchi to a prepared baking sheet sprinkled with flour. Repeat with the remaining dough.
    5. As you approach the halfway point of shaping the gnocchi, bring a large pot of salted water to a boil and then reduce the heat.
    6. Cook the gnocchi in batches, ensuring they are not overcrowded in the pot. After about 3-4 minutes, the gnocchi will rise to the surface indicating they are cooked. Test one gnocchi for doneness before removing them with a spider or slotted spoon to a paper towel-lined baking sheet. Repeat until all gnocchi are cooked.
    7. While the gnocchi are cooking, brown the remaining butter in a non-stick pan with sage leaves until the butter develops a nutty aroma.
    8. Drizzle the desired amount of browned butter and sage leaves over the cooked gnocchi before serving.
    9. For make-ahead preparation, shape the gnocchi and refrigerate them on a baking sheet covered with plastic wrap. Prior to cooking, it is recommended to coat the gnocchi again with flour to enhance their texture.

Jul 20, 2024