Saké Kasu Ice Cream Delight

Image for recipe: Saké Kasu Ice Cream Delight

Ingredients: 5

Indulge in the exquisite flavors of this Saké Kasu Ice Cream, a creamy and delightful treat that will captivate your senses.


5 large egg yolks
100 granulated sugar
70 saké kasu paste
750 half-and-half (pasteurized or ultra-pasteurized)
½ teaspoon fine sea salt


    1. Begin by whisking together the large egg yolks and granulated sugar in a large bowl, until the mixture turns pale and smooth, for about 3 minutes.
    2. Next, in a medium heavy-bottomed pot or the top of a double boiler, combine the saké kasu paste and half-and-half, whisking gradually. It's okay if there are some lumps. Incorporate the egg mixture and fine sea salt into the pot while whisking.
    3. Before churning, ensure the custard is completely chilled. This can be achieved by refrigerating for a minimum of 6 hours or by using an ice bath, stirring occasionally, for approximately one hour.
    4. Churn the custard in an ice cream maker following the manufacturer's instructions until it reaches a soft serve texture. Enjoy immediately or store in a tightly covered loaf pan in the freezer. For optimal flavor, consume within a few days of preparation.

Jul 19, 2024