Traditional English Parsley Sauce

Image for recipe: Traditional English Parsley Sauce

Ingredients: 7

A classic sauce that adds a burst of flavor to your dishes, this creamy parsley sauce is a delightful addition to fish, chicken, potatoes, and vegetables.


½ cup butter
2 tablespoons flour
2 milk
¼ cup parsley, chopped
2 eggs, hard boiled, finely chopped
salt and pepper


    1. Begin by melting the butter in a saucepan over low heat. Gradually blend in the flour and then slowly whisk in the milk. Stir continuously until the mixture is smooth and thickens, which should take approximately 5-7 minutes. Season with salt and pepper to your liking.
    2. Just before serving, gently fold in the chopped parsley and the finely chopped hard-boiled eggs. Finish by sprinkling a touch of nutmeg over the sauce. Serve and savor the delicious flavors!

Jul 20, 2024