Authentic Vegan Miso Soup

Image for recipe: Authentic Vegan Miso Soup

Ingredients: 7

A traditional Japanese-inspired vegan miso soup, bursting with umami flavors and wholesome ingredients.


1 handful of wakame, rehydrated
5 tablespoons miso paste
1 piece of tofu
3 tablespoons kombu dashi
2 pieces of chopped shallots
500 milliliters of water
1 packet of enoki mushrooms


    1. Begin by rehydrating the wakame in lukewarm water for 5 minutes. Drain and gently wring out any excess water.
    2. In a saucepan over medium heat, combine the water and kombu dashi. Allow the mixture to reach a gentle simmer, then reduce the heat.
    3. Using a sieve, slowly incorporate the miso paste into the soup, ensuring it dissolves completely.
    4. Introduce the tofu and rehydrated wakame, along with the enoki mushrooms. Heat the soup gently, ensuring the tofu is heated through without boiling.
    5. Serve the soup in individual bowls, garnished with sliced green onions. Pair with steaming hot rice for a satisfying meal experience.

Jul 18, 2024