Cheese-Crusted Fried Eggs

Image for recipe: Cheese-Crusted Fried Eggs

Ingredients: 3

A delectable twist on classic fried eggs, where the cheese forms a flavorful crust around the eggs.


cup hard or semi-hard cheese, like cheddar or Parmesan, chopped or grated
2 eggs
Salt and pepper, to taste


    1. Heat a skillet over medium-high heat. Add the hard or semi-hard cheese, like cheddar or Parmesan. Allow the cheese to melt and release its oils.
    2. Carefully crack the eggs into the skillet over the melted cheese. Season with salt and pepper to enhance the flavors.
    3. If the eggs do not cover all the cheese, gently spread the egg whites over the cheese or move the cheese towards the eggs. Cook until the egg whites are set, or cook to your desired level of doneness.
    4. Transfer the cheese-crusted eggs to a plate and savor the delicious combination of melted cheese and perfectly cooked eggs.

Jul 20, 2024