Creamy Butternut Squash Bisque

Image for recipe: Creamy Butternut Squash Bisque

Ingredients: 10

Experience a luxurious blend of flavors in this velvety Butternut Squash Bisque. Roasted butternut squash is elegantly pureed with a medley of aromatic spices, rich cream, and savory chicken stock, creating a sophisticated dish that is sure to impress even the most discerning palate.



2 small butternut squash, halved and roasted
2 tablespoons butter
1 white part of leek, sliced
4 cups chicken stock
1 tablespoon sugar
12 teaspoon curry powder
18 teaspoon ground cumin
salt to taste
freshly-ground white pepper to taste
14 cup hot whipping cream


  • Preparation of Ingredients

    1. Halve the butternut squash, clean, and roast at 450°F (230°C) until exceptionally tender, for approximately 1 hour.
    2. Carefully scoop out the flesh and set it aside.
    3. In a large soup pot, sauté the sliced onions in 1 tablespoon of butter over medium heat until they become tender.
    4. Add the leek and roasted squash, cooking it for an additional 5 minutes.
  • Soup Creation

    1. Pour in the chicken stock and add sugar, curry powder, cumin, salt, and freshly-ground white pepper to taste.
    2. Transfer the soup mixture to a blender in batches, blending until smooth, before returning it to the pot.
    3. Blend the final batch with the remaining 1 tablespoon of butter and the hot whipping cream.
    4. Incorporate the blended mixture back to the pot with the rest of the soup, stirring thoroughly, and heat through.
    5. Adjust the seasoning and thickness as desired.

Aug 04, 2024