Elegant Blue Cheese Stuffed Mushrooms

Image for recipe: Elegant Blue Cheese Stuffed Mushrooms

Ingredients: 5

Elevate your appetizer game with these decadent blue cheese stuffed mushrooms.


1 lb white field mushroom cap, stemmed
6 tablespoons reduced-fat cream cheese, softened
3 green onions, chopped (just greens)
2 slices bacon, crisped & crumbled fine
18 cup crumbled reduced-fat blue cheese


    1. Preheat the oven to 375°F.
    2. Begin by delicately washing the mushrooms and meticulously removing the stems from the caps. Carefully place them on a paper towel to allow for thorough drying.
    3. In a small mixing bowl, combine the softened reduced-fat cream cheese, chopped green onions, finely crumbled bacon pieces, and tangy blue cheese.
    4. Gently stuff each mushroom cap with approximately half a tablespoon of the luxurious cheese mixture.
    5. Arrange all stuffed mushrooms in a shallow baking dish and bake for about 20-25 minutes, or until a very light golden brown crust forms on top.

Jul 18, 2024