Exquisite Orange, Chocolate & Cinnamon Muffins

Image for recipe: Exquisite Orange, Chocolate & Cinnamon Muffins

Ingredients: 10

Indulge in these decadent muffins flavored with fresh orange zest, rich chocolate chips, and a hint of cinnamon.


125 g plain flour, sifted
7 12 ml baking powder
1 egg
50 g caster sugar
125 ml milk
50 g butter, melted
1 orange zest, grated
50 g chocolate chips
2 12 ml cinnamon
25 g cocoa powder


    1. Begin by sifting the plain flour and baking powder together into a mixing bowl.
    2. Next, gently fold in the remaining ingredients until well combined.
    3. With precision, carefully portion the batter into each individual muffin cup.
    4. Bake the muffins in a preheated oven set at 400°F for 15-20 minutes, or until beautifully risen and golden brown.

Jul 23, 2024