Grilled Whole Wheat Bread with Banana Topping

Image for recipe: Grilled Whole Wheat Bread with Banana Topping

Ingredients: 4

Indulge in a delightful sweet snack featuring buttered whole wheat bread slices grilled to perfection and topped with luscious sweetened condensed milk and fresh banana slices.


1 tablespoon butter
4 whole wheat bread, sliced
12 cup sweetened condensed milk
1 banana, sliced


    1. Begin by spreading a generous amount of butter onto the whole wheat bread slices.
    2. Grill the buttered bread slices in a pan over low heat until they are beautifully golden brown, taking about 1 to 2 minutes per side.
    3. Once grilled, cut each slice into 4 pieces and elegantly top them with a drizzle of sweetened condensed milk and slices of fresh banana.
    4. Serve and enjoy the delectable grilled whole wheat bread topped with sweetened condensed milk and banana.

Jul 20, 2024