Homemade Whole Grain Pancakes

Image for recipe: Homemade Whole Grain Pancakes

Ingredients: 10

Indulge in a wholesome breakfast with these homemade whole grain pancakes. Made with a mixture of healthy ingredients, these pancakes are sure to satisfy your cravings and provide a nutritious start to your day.


1 cup Home-made granola, soaked
1 cup Water
1 cup Flour (I use GF; a mixture of ⅔ white and ½ whole wheat can be substituted)
1 ½ Milk
1 Egg
1 teaspoon Baking powder
½ teaspoon Salt
1 teaspoon Vanilla extract (optional)
1 tablespoon Chia seeds (optional)
1 cup Blueberries, grated apple, chopped pear (optional)


    1. In preparation for the pancakes, the night before, soak the homemade granola in water and let it stand at room temperature. The granola is a delightful mixture of roasted rolled oats, buckwheat groats, quinoa flakes, assorted nuts, a touch of honey, and a hint of flax oil.
    2. Combine the moistened granola with the remaining ingredients to form a bulky, moist dough.
    3. Preheat a non-stick pan, lightly coat it with oil, and spoon dollops of the pancake mixture onto the hot pan. Flip the pancakes after 1-2 minutes of cooking on each side.
    4. Finish off by delicately brushing the pancakes with luscious maple syrup and serving them alongside fresh fruits.

Jul 19, 2024